Chapter One :Chapter 1

Rita's heart pounded with a mix of excitement and anxiety as she held the pregnancy report in her trembling hand. It was an unexpected revelation on this very day, the first anniversary of her marriage to Jaden. Overwhelmed by the news, she couldn't wait to share it with her husband, hoping it would bring them closer together.

Driven by anticipation, Rita made her way to Jaden's workplace putting on a big smile and her favourite gown.

As she entered his office, her eyes were immediately drawn to his dashing figure in a well-fitted suit. The sight of him ignited a fire within her, and she felt a wave of moisture between her thighs. Unable to contain her desire, she approached him with a sense of urgency and kissed him passionately.

He raised her purple gown that she had on, and started caressing her breast, placing the other hand on her vagina while he fingered her. She couldn't resist the pleasure she started moaning with his name on her mouth, he bent her slowly placing every of his fingers on her spine, and immediately she knew he was inside her, she felt his flesh inside her as she kissed him passionately. He went harder on her as if he was pumping a deflated tyre, she couldn't stand it anymore, she pleaded for him to stop.

She wore her dress and placed a beautiful smile on her face as Jaden dressed up swiftly and arranged his desk properly.

“Why are you here Rita? I thought you said you were going to your friends house, so why are you here?” Jaden asked.

“Jaden, I have something incredible to tell you,” Rita responded.


“You have something to tell me,why can't you hold on and wait for me home,before you tell me what is in your mind, Rita, what's gotten into you?” Jaden said as he paces around in his office.

Rita couldn't breath any longer as she staggers with the words in her mouth.

“I'm, I'm…..I'm,” as she breathes shakingly.

“What's up with this your silly, I'm I'm… can't you just say the words out,” said Jaden.

“Anyways, it's like now it's the proper tune to tell what I intend to tell you,when I'm home. But since you are here let me break the news to you.”

“What news Jaden?” Nancy asked as she walks around the office.

“You remembered the agreement we had before we got married,right?”

“Hmm…I don't think I can remember, Jason.”

“Let me briefly remember you, if you can Vividly remember before we got married,we agreed that if we didn't fall in love within a year, we would get a divorce.”

Rita felt her heart sink, a mix of shock and disappointment washing over her.

"But Jaden, I thought we were building something special, I thought we had a chance at love," with tears in her eyes she said.

"Rita, I've been honest with you from the beginning. My feelings for you haven't evolved the way I hoped they would. And Percy... she's coming back into my life."

Rita voice trembles. "So, what are you saying, Jaden? That you want a divorce?"

Jaden nods solemnly before responding. “Yes, Rita. I think it's best for both of us. I don't want to lead you on or deny you the chance to find true happiness.”

Rita couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her world seemed to crumble around her, but she mustered the strength to respond.

Tears streaming down her face, she took up the courage and responded to him. “Fine, Jaden. If that's what you want, I won't stand in your way. But just know that I never expected this from you.”

With regret in his eyes Jaden said, "Rita, I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you.”

“It's okay, Jaden. I understand. I'll find a way to move on.” With a fake smile on her face Rita responded.

“Thank you Rita, I've always known you to be a brave and strong woman. I know you'll get through this is just a matter of time.” Jaden said.

"What was the news you wanted to tell me?" Jaden asked as he moved closer to her, looking directly at her eyeballs.

“Emmm… it's nothing.” Rita answered.

"Are you sure?" Jaden protested.

“Okay! I just wanted to inform you that My younger sister Dora has been promoted at work, isn't that good news?”

With surprise in his eyes, he replied, “yeah! It is. I'm super proud of her and help me tell her that I said congratulations.”

“Of course I will,” Rita responded.

“I'll be right back Rita, I need to submit this file urgently.” With that him, he made use of the exit door.

As Jaden left his office, the weight of the situation bore heavily on Rita's shoulders. As soon as the door closed, she collapsed into a nearby chair, her emotions overwhelming her. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to make sense of the chaos that had consumed her life.

She placed her trembling hands on her belly, feeling the gentle kicks of the tiny life growing within her. The love and protectiveness she felt for her unborn child intensified with every passing moment. Despite the uncertainty and fear that loomed ahead, Rita knew one thing for certain: she would do whatever it took to keep her child safe.

"Don't worry, little one," she whispered softly, her voice filled with determination and a touch of vulnerability. "I'll protect you no matter what. We'll face this together."

Rita knew that her journey as a single mother would be challenging, but she was determined to provide a loving and secure environment for her child.

She would fight for their future, regardless of the obstacles that lay ahead. With newfound strength and a fierce love for her unborn baby, Rita embarked on a path of resilience, ready to embrace the unknown and discover the true depths of her own courage

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